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The FIRST for planning acronym

You'll be amazed how effective this simple planning mnemonic is

I’ve decided to give this post its very own page for TWO reasons:

  1. It is quite a lengthy post, as it goes into step-by-step detail so a single page layout wouldn’t do it justice.

  2. It is just so freakishly powerful it deserves more than a simple post.

Trust me when I say if you give this simple mnemonic a try you will be blown away with how effective it is. It can be used for almost any task; large or small.

Next time you need to plan something just run through these five steps and you’ll see for yourself how easy it is to create the perfect plan out of nowhere.

FIRST for Planning Form
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One tool I couldn’t live without

If you are not already making good use of Evernote (or something very similar) you really need to take a look as Evernote can be a repository for pretty much everything in your life.

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Since graduating from university I have started five seven-figure businesses and now I want to share that passion for ideas and business with you and to help you to transform your ideas into reality.

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(c) 2019 Paul Smithson