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Before Building a Website Checklist

Use this checklist to make sure that you don’t forget any of the most import aspects of creating a web site. This checklist is designed to be used BEFORE you start building the site and so it doesn’t cover things such as marketing SEO, testing, monitoring, PR and social media Strategy. These will all be covered in the Website Checklist.

INSTRUCTIONS: Click inside the checkboxes when you have completed each task. These will be remembered even if you close your browser so it is worth bookmarking this page so you can return as you complete additional tasks. You can also print the checklist using the print button at the bottom of the page.

Before Building a Website Checklist


Good planning is essential and should come before everything else if you want to avoid time-consuming and costly mistakes


The right research conducted early on in the process will help minimize major u-turns or rewrites down the line

Naming and Legal

Don't overlook these important aspects as they can have a massive impact going forward


It is very important that you have a clear idea about design as this saves having to make major amends later.


It doesn't matter whether your site is a single sales page or a large brochure-style site, having a well thought-out content strategy is crucial.


If you are selling products and/or services from your site then you need to give careful thought to your ecommerce strategy.


The technology requirements for sites varies depending on the type of site and the budget available. Make sure to pay sufficient attention to this prior to building the site.

Support and Help

Most sites will have some kind of FAQ, contact form or ticket system. Make sure to consider your users needs when designing your site.

(c) 2019
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If you are not already making good use of Evernote (or something very similar) you really need to take a look as Evernote can be a repository for pretty much everything in your life.

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(c) 2019 Paul Smithson