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The FIRST for planning acronym

An amazing alternative to your usual video editor

If you’re not making good use of video in your sales and marketing where have you been for the last five years. Videos have gone from being a luxury to a must have, but the great news is that there’s a cool tool that has made it quicker, easier and cheaper than ever before to create great quality videos for social media, Youtube, and wherever else you can get your videos shown.

Tips for Writing Mailings

20 Tips for Writing Mailings

I’d love to say that I know how to write the perfect mailing. It would be like having the goose that lays the golden eggs hidden away in your closet, or knowing where to find the Holy Grail. Alas, although I can’t tell you exactly where the Holy Grail is, I can give you a few pointers that will hopefully steer you in the right direction.

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Recommended Reading
Mindmaps are one tool I could not do without
One tool I couldn’t live without

If you are not already making good use of Evernote (or something very similar) you really need to take a look as Evernote can be a repository for pretty much everything in your life.

New Course

Check out the soon to be released Secrets of a 7-Figure Online Entrepreneur.

My Favorite Tools

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About Me

Since graduating from university I have started five seven-figure businesses and now I want to share that passion for ideas and business with you and to help you to transform your ideas into reality.

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(c) 2019 Paul Smithson