Paul’s Blog


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A great way to help budding entrepreneurs

$10 that paid major dividends

The story of how a visit to the cinema and a meal out with my youngest son resulted in forgiveness for a brief moment of anger, whilst at the same time helping out an entrepreneurial African - and all for a measly $10. What a great investment.

What a send-off

This has got to be the best last day at work ever

For some people the last day in the office is just a matter of clearing out their desk drawers. For Mark Sebba, the retiring CEO of Net-a-Porter, his last day was pretty different. Try watching a video of him arriving at work on his last day without a big grin spreading across your face. I’ll bet you can’t do it.

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Recommended Reading
Mindmaps are one tool I could not do without
One tool I couldn’t live without

If you are not already making good use of Evernote (or something very similar) you really need to take a look as Evernote can be a repository for pretty much everything in your life.

New Course

Check out the soon to be released Secrets of a 7-Figure Online Entrepreneur.

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Since graduating from university I have started five seven-figure businesses and now I want to share that passion for ideas and business with you and to help you to transform your ideas into reality.

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(c) 2019 Paul Smithson