The ideal business plan - George Koukis

* The Ideal Business Plan

I love this guys style, and it is so refreshing to see someone over 70 with such passion and energy.

I agree wholeheartedly with his view that it is entrepreneurs that can solve so many of today’s problems and that, alas, it is politicians that cause so many of today’s problems.

And it is worth listening to a guy who bought a company for less than $1 million and took it public for $1.5 billion in just a few years.

He raises some excellent points about perceptions, the business environment. short-term thinking, greed, the criteria of success, objectives and why money should be a consequence of success and not your target.

He also introduces a wonderful quote from Michelangelo which says:

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, BUT that it is too low and we reach it. Michelangelo

This isn’t a video about creating a written business plan, but about how to plan the ideal business using a roadmap that includes creating jobs and useful products, being a good citizen, and protecting mother earth.

In addition to that you need to add accountability and not complain about adversities or blame others.

Add in timeframes, leadership, and integrity and you have a plan for not just any business forming, but for an amazing business - and you also have a terrifically motiviating speech.
